2020.04.23.This post is also available in: Magyar (Hungarian)
Banatski Dvor
This settlement along the tributary Bega Veche dates back to the 20th century. It was formed by the unification of Törzsudvarnok and Szőllősudvarnok. Törzsudvarnok was formerly referred to as Ittvarnok, and Szőllősudvarnok, which was formed in the 19th century, was mentioned as Rogendorf until 1867. Törzsudvarnok is included in the papal tithe register of 1332–37, but 170 years later it is mentioned only as a plain. In 1508, King Ladislaus II disposed that anyone who settled here would enjoy a six-year tax exemption. Around 1825, the landlord of the village, József Petrovics settled Bulgarians here, who later moved to the neighbouring Szőllősudvarnok. The Hungarian population came mainly from the Szeged region and Csanád. Szőllősudvarnok was originally bordering Törzsudvarnok. Count József Rogendorf married the daughter of József Petrovics, landowner of Udvarnok, and half of Udvarnok was their dowry. He settled the village, which was named after him, in this area.